The deterioration of the health of the prominent Iranian exhibitions, Hussein Runaghi, the hunger striker

The deterioration of the health of the prominent Iranian exhibitions, Hussein Runaghi, the hunger striker

The health status of a prominent Iranian opponent was arrested in September with the start of the protests in the country “deterioration” after a hunger strike began, according to what his brother announced on Sunday.
Hussein Ronaghi, a prominent activist in defending freedom of expression, conveyed to a medical facility inside the Iwin prison, according to a tweet launched by his brother Hassan.
Ronaghi has been detained in Iwin Prison since his arrest on September 24.

His family says he is facing the risk of death due to health problems, especially in the kidneys, and confirms that he has a fracture in his legs.
Ronaghi is a food striker and decided to stop drinking water on Saturday in protest against the authorities’ refusal to allow him to leave the prison for treatment, according to his brother had previously announced.
“Hussein’s situation was worse and he was transferred to a clinic in Iwin Prison,” said Hassan Ronaghi on Sunday.

Hassan Runaghi accused the Public Prosecution of preventing the transfer of his brother, “with flimsy arguments”, and in the pursuit of “killing Hussein. ”
The two famous Iranian directors Jaafar Benhi and Muhammad Rasulouf, who were detained with Ronaghi in Iwin Prison, expressed their concern about his life, warning of the possibility of a heart attack at any time.

In a letter published by the “Iran Way” news website, according to the prison doctors, it has become a risk of a very large heart attack.
They pointed to the “risks of repetition of tragic” the death of a political prisoner in detention.

Ronaghi is one of dozens of human rights activists, journalists and lawyers who were arrested during the campaign to suppress the protests that erupted against the background of the death of the young woman, Muhsa Amini, who was suspended by the “Ethics Police” for not adopting the strict dress rules imposed by the Islamic Republic on women.
Runaghi, 37, is a writer for the Wall Street Journal, a residing in Iran, where he has been fiercely opposed for years.

He was an interview with the London -based “Iran International” channel, based on September 22, when the security men came to his home, the channel reported.
The channel indicated that the activist managed to escape surreptitiously from the building in which he lives through the parking lot, and later published a photo message from a place that was not revealed.

But he was later arrested and beaten by security personnel when he went to Iwin Prison in Tehran to meet the Public Prosecutor on September 24, according to his brother..

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