Sanders defeat Watson in the golden box of the Billy King’s Tennis Championship

Sanders defeat Watson in the golden box of the Billy King’s Tennis Championship

Britain’s hopes of reaching the final of the Billy Jin King of Tennis Championships were shocked after Hitter Watson lost to Australian Storm Sanders in the first match between them in the Golden Square today, Saturday.

After the sudden victory of Britain over Spain yesterday, Thursday, to reach the golden square for the first time since 1981, the aspirations were high in continuing to provide the same solid performance against the Australian team in the Golden Square at the Emirates Stadium in Glasgow.
However, in the presence of large numbers of fans, Watson was unable to continue her strong performance, and she fell two groups without a response to Sanders 4/6 and 6/7.

Sanders has not previously occupied one of the first 100 positions in the world rankings, and is currently ranking No. 237, but it has recently recorded a remarkable development and achieved two consecutive victories in the individual category this week..

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