Russia is chasing, imprisoning and fining … everyone who sings “do not worry, glorious Ukraine”

Russia is chasing, imprisoning and fining … everyone who sings “do not worry, glorious Ukraine”

Russia is punished, violent and chasing everyone who sings a Ukrainian national song called “OI U Luzi Chervona Kalyna”, and this national song has become Tarnda on social media inside and outside Ukraine.
People are singing loudly, “Do not worry, glorious Ukraine, you have a free people” in solidarity with the Ukrainians and a challenge to Russia who punished them for the crime of singing.

Many people in the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia included for performing the song “OI U Luzi Chervona Kalyna”, was punished at a wedding, according to the “Suspilne. media” news website on Wednesday.
According to Suspilne, quoting the media in the Crimea, a court in Baksisari held the organizers of the ceremony and the participants in it “administrative responsibility.

” The restaurant owner was sentenced to 15 administrative days imprisonment, the DJ and the dancer 10 days, and the groom’s mother is five days of detention.
The court ruled that the song “Oi U Luzi Chervona Kalyna” is “Ukrainian nationalist”.
The song was originally written by Stepan Chantsky in honor of Sich Riflemen, an armed formation that was formed during World War I as part of the Austrian Hungarian army.

Ukrainians continue to post this song on a wide range on Twitter, including Ukrainian Sofia, who posted a video singing this song tweet: “The Ukrainians were fined, beaten, denying and imprisoning them just to sing Oi U Luzi Chervona Kalyna”
And she continued: “We still sing it out loud in our bathrooms, corridors, and gardens, as we could not do so to challenge the repressive system that continues to try to destroy us . . . we will not break.

Miss Crimea was also fined 40 thousand Russian rubles (about $ 680) by the Russian authorities for singing the Ukrainian national song “Chervona Kalyna”, according to Russian government media and the regional authorities loyal to Russia.
The words of the Ukrainian nation’s songs urge the rise and “rejoicing” like a red Kalina bush “Sherfona Kalina” growing in a field.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Crimea said in a video clip that it had identified a video on the Internet, “Two girls sang a song that is a commendation of an extremist organization. ”
She said that the spouses were arrested on suspicion of “committing illegal acts aimed at distorting the reputation of the armed forces’ use of the Russian Federation, as well as displaying the impermissible symbols.

The ministry said that the court was then convicted of them, and Valeva’s girlfriend was sentenced to 10 days imprisonment.
Russia illegally included the Ukrainian Crimea in 2014.
Since the annexation, human rights observers described the slope of the Crimea to a police state, where the local authorities and Russian security services are persecuted and arrested who are believed to be loyal to Ukraine, including members of the Crimean Tatar society..

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