President of Indonesia for the 20th summit: Let’s avoid another war

President of Indonesia for the 20th summit: Let’s avoid another war

Al-Madinah News:- Stressing the importance of that summit, Indonesian President Goku Widodo opened the Group of Twenty’s summit in Bali today, where it is expected that the leaders of the group’s countries will pressure Russia in its member to condemn its war against Ukraine.
“It is an honor for his country to host this summit,” Widodo said, adding that “I realize that we need huge efforts in order to be able to sit together in this hall.

He also stressed the necessity of avoiding a “other cold war. ”
End of war
He stressed that the responsibility requires that “end the war”, in reference to the Russian -Russian conflict, which entered its ninth month.
In addition, he called for the “world division to several camps,” adding, “We should not let the world slip into a new world war, and we should not fail in that.

These statements come as the Russian -Russian issue dominates the summit, amid almost an international consensus to condemn the fighting.
Most members denounce
A senior American official had previously reported that the closing statement of the summit would include a severe condemnation of most member states of the Russian -Ukrainian war.

“I think you will see most of the group of the Group of Twenty consider this war the main source of the huge economic and humanitarian suffering in the world,” he said, speaking to the journalists, provided that his identity is not revealed.
It is noteworthy that in addition to the Russian file, the Group of Twenty will discuss food and energy security, and advertisements will be issued on initiatives related to the Anti -Epidemy Fund, the reform of multilateral development banks, and others.


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