Palestinian President: He has to deal with Netanyahu, although he does not believe in peace

Palestinian President: He has to deal with Netanyahu, although he does not believe in peace

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Sunday that he will have to deal with Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Minister of Israel, who was re -elected this month, even though he knows that Netanyahu “a man who does not believe in peace. ”
Abbas told Palestinian television, “I have known Netanyahu a long time ago, since the nineties . ..

and I dealt with him a lot, a man who does not believe in peace, I deal with him because I have no other choice, with whom I deal with a representative of Israel?”
The Palestinian leader, whose authority has a limited control on the West Bank occupied by Israel, said that there should be a peaceful solution to the continuous struggle for decades.
The interview, which was also broadcast by Egyptian TV, was recorded on Friday.

Abbas said, “There is a problem between me and Israel, Israel occupies my land and my country, who is its Prime Minister? Netanyahu. Peace”.
In his previous rule, Netanyahu had reached the normalization of relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.
On Sunday he said that he sought to reach peace agreements with other Arab countries, which could eventually help end the Israeli -Palestinian conflict.
Israeli -Palestinian peace talks have stopped since 2014..

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