On this day .. Apollo 12 takes off on a mission to the surface of the moon

On this day .. Apollo 12 takes off on a mission to the surface of the moon

On this day for 1969, Apollo 12 was launched, the second mission to the moon, with astronauts Charles Conrad Junior, Richard FF Gordon Jr. And Alan L. Between the boat, President Richard Nixon watched the take off from PAD A in Cape Capeeral, and was the first president to attend a satellite flight.

Thirty -six seconds after taking off, lightning hit the rising launch missile 5, which led to the disruption of the circuit breakers in the driving unit and caused the power outage, and fortunately, the launch missile continued to work normally, and within a few minutes the energy was restored in the vehicle Space.

On November 19, the INTREPID landing unit made a delicate landing on the northwestern edge of the surrounding lunar storms, and after about five hours, the astronaut Conrad and Ben, the third and fourth human being walking on the moon during the next 32 hours, and the astronauts with two hunger on the moon, Where they collected samples from the moon and examined the Surveyor 3 spacecraft, and on November 24, Apollo 12 successfully returned to Earth, scattered just three miles from one of the retrieval ships, USS Horn.


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