More than 600 million dollars evaporate from the “FTX” portfolio of encrypted currencies!

More than 600 million dollars evaporate from the “FTX” portfolio of encrypted currencies!

The new president of “FTX” confirmed that the giant company of encrypted currencies “does what it can to ensure the security of all assets” after unauthorized operations that may lead to the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
John Ray, the new chairman of the company’s board of directors, said in a tweet on Twitter: “(FTX-US and TX. com) continues all efforts to secure all assets everywhere. ” John Rai confirmed that “an inconsistent entry occurred to some assets.

Ray had assumed the chairmanship of the company’s board of directors after the resignation of its founder Sam Bankman Farid on Friday, the day when the coded currency exchange platform, the largely irregular sector, announced that it had voluntarily put itself under the protection of the 11th chapter of the American bankruptcy law.

The company said on its account on “Twitter”: “(FTX Trading) and 130 companies linked to (FTX Group) started the voluntary procedure represented in the 11th chapter of the bankruptcy law in order to evaluate its assets. ”
This system allows any company to restructure its debts under the supervision of the court while continuing its operations.

The company’s officials did not mention the volume of transactions in which the incomplete entry was monitored, but hundreds of thousands of dollars may have disappeared.
“Just 24 hours after the declaration of bankruptcy, the” FTX “governor has emptied more than 663 million dollars.
“Elepite” explained that “$ 447 million apparently stolen, while (FTX) has transformed the rest of the place to a safe storage place.

Just 10 days ago, 10 days ago, the second largest platform for cryptocurrencies in the world, and its President Sam Banglan Farid, who is called “SBF”, was the best axis of organizational authorities all over the world.
The value of the group was estimated at about 32 billion dollars, but American media reported that the “SBF” wealth alone amounting to about 16 billion evaporated within a few days, and the company is currently seeking to reassure all those concerned.
Source: AFP.

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