Henry Al -Mallah .. The story of a sailor began European colonialism for Africa with the search for a legendary priest

Henry Al -Mallah .. The story of a sailor began European colonialism for Africa with the search for a legendary priest

Today the 562 anniversary of the departure of Henry Al -Mallah, as he left on November 13, 1460, is Infuan (Amir) Portuguese, and is the fourth son of Joao I, the king of Portugal at the time and the founder of the Avis family, Enrique was not a sailor himself, but he obtained this name because of his organization For trips that have discovered new lands.

Prince Henry’s exploratory goals were to increase navigational knowledge along the western coast of Africa and find a water road to Asia, increase commercial opportunities for Portga, find gold to provide special financing for trips, spread Christianity all over the world, defeat Muslims, and perhaps to find the priest John, a wealthy priest Legendary is believed to reside somewhere in Africa or Asia.

Some refer to Henry Al -Mallah that he was the first spark at the beginning of the European colonial expansion in Africa, and the references indicate that in 1414 AD, Henry persuaded his father to launch a campaign of invasion of the Islamic port of Ceuta on the northern African coast through the Strait of Gibraltar from the Iberian Peninsula.

Indeed, the Portuguese managed to occupy the city in August 1415 AD, after the death of his mother, Philippa Lancaster, who was the mastermind of the invasion, where Enrique saw there are the returns of trade routes that came from the major desert in Ceuta. However, this trade was cut off after Ceuta fell in the hands of the Portuguese.

Enrique admired the wealth that he found there, in Africa in general, and the legend of the monk John, appointed after the end of the battle, the Duke of VISO, so that he is considered the first to hold this title, and also his older brother held Pedro, the title of Duke of Kewibra.
It is called the hundred years from the middle of the fifteenth century to the middle of the sixteenth century as the era of European exploration or the era of exploration.

It started when Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands and France sent trips to lands that were not known to the skin of resources to their country. And brought the cheapest workers to work on farms for crops such as sugar, tobacco or cotton, from a triple commercial road, one of the brutal legs was known as the middle corridor.

The countries that were previous colonies are still suffering these effects, especially in Africa, where there is a poor or inconsistent infrastructure in many regions, and some countries have obtained their independence in the twentieth century..

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