Hazard: The World Cup Qatar will be the last World Cup for me .. I do not want to leave the riyal

Hazard: The World Cup Qatar will be the last World Cup for me .. I do not want to leave the riyal

The Belgian Edin Hazard, Real Madrid striker, confirmed that the World Cup in Qatar will be the last World Cup championship in which he will participate with the Red Devils team, stressing that he does not want to leave the royal team after the end of the next World Cup.
“I keep my smile, it is up to me to adapt, because I went through difficult months as I was unable to rhythm, now I must prove that I can still do this, I do not doubt that but I understand that the outside world doubts that “.

He added, “I talked to Ancelotti and told me that I will have my opportunity. Of course this is not the case now, but I understand that he cannot always answer the same question, I do not want to leave Real Madrid. Maybe my situation will change after the World Cup. ”
He continued: “If we look at the past two seasons, I do not deserve to play, but looking at the last 15 seasons, I deserve it. I haven’t become useless for two years, I do not care about criticism. I never doubt myself.

I know what I can contribute to. ”
He continued: “I want to play, but the coach is the one who makes his decisions, I accept but I want to show him that I deserve to play more, when you do not play it is complicated, this World Cup is likely to be my last big championship. ”
He pointed out: “I feel better since the last operation and I no longer have any injuries. I play much less after that, so it may be related to that too. ”
“Physically I feel good and very good mentality.

There is no problem with that. I clearly lack speed but we have one game to play and try to prepare for the first match in the tournament. “.

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