For the first time in the world .. Doctors in Canada treat a girl from the dead

For the first time in the world .. Doctors in Canada treat a girl from the dead

Doctors in Canada were able to treat a girl with a deadly dead disease before she was born, for the first time in the world, where Ayla Bashir, from Canadian Ontario, received an enzymatic treatment that was injected into her mother’s stomach and moved to the fetus through the secret cord, according to the British “Daily Mail” website.

Ella suffers from a “childish pompery” disease, a rare condition that causes a mutation in the gene and enzyme responsible for maintaining the health of cells, and the report says that the enzyme alpha glucosida acid (GAA) is necessary to break the glycogen, or stored sugar, in cells, without it the cells are flooded with glycogen It stops working, ultimately closing the main organs.

Daily Mail report
The genetic disorder caused the killing of two of its sisters when they were two and a half years old and eight months, and the doctors injecting Ayla’s mother in the stomach six times with lost decisive enzymes, which are transmitted through the secret cord to the fetus.

The enzymes work to break the glycogen in cells, ensuring that they are kept at a safe level, and she is the first child to be treated as a fetus, and her mother said that “Ayla” is now a normal little girl of a year and a half, and we remain awake, “and added that she” amazes us Every time we are very lucky . . We were very fortunate.

The girl is now
Children with pompery suffer from the difficulty of breastfeeding, muscle and sagging, and they often have an enlarged heart, if they are not treated, most of them die from heart or breathing problems in the first year of life.
Ayla deals with medications to inhibit her immune system, as well as injecting the weekly enzyme that lasts from five to six hours, and until a new treatment is developed, Ella must get the injection for the rest of her life.

In the late 2020, the mother and her husband discovered her pregnancy in “Ayla”, and prenatal tests showed that the fetus has Pompeii, and both parents carry a dedicated gene for the situation, which means that there is one chance of every four that the child inherits.

Doctors treated the fetuses before birth, including performing surgeries to repair defects, as the spinal cord fails to grow properly, and they transmitted blood to the embryos through the secret cord, but not medications.
“Innovation here was not the medicine, and it did not reach the blood circulation of the fetus,” said Dr. Branish Chairporte, a metabolic genetic scientist at the Children’s Hospital in East Ontario, who treated the Ala family for years..

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