Financial Times: Democrats obtain the majority

Financial Times: Democrats obtain the majority

The British newspaper “Financial Times” considered that the success of the Democrats in controlling the majority of the US Senate seats, after their victory in the Nevada legislative elections, would give a huge payment force to US President Joe Biden to move forward in his legislative agenda to lead the United States in the coming period, and strengthens From the strength of the Democratic Party in the upcoming midterm elections.

“I feel overwhelmed and I am looking forward to achieving the interests of the United States and our American people during the next two years,” the newspaper quoted Biden as saying – in a statement yesterday during his participation in the Southeast Asian Countries Summit (ASEAN) in Thailand.

The newspaper also reported the saying of the majority of the majority of the American Senate Chuk Chomer: “Our success demonstrates the great American people’s rejection of that extremist spirit that is hostile to democracy . . . Our authentic American values ​​have finally triumphed.

The Financial Times confirmed that the Democrats winning the majority of the Senate Legislative Chamber seats in the US Congress will enhance the ability of the US President Biden party to move forward in implementing its fierce agenda for the laws that his administration deems necessary for the benefit of the American people, adding that the matter will be easy for the Democrats in Confronting Republicans, even if Democrats are not able to control the seats of the House of Representatives.

She pointed out that the members of the Republican Party are seeking with full force to overcome the 218 threshold of votes that they need to re -control the House of Representatives, explaining that the race on the seats of representing Washington state in the US House of Representatives may be their separation battle on this road..

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