Aboul Gheit calls on the political forces and Lebanese leaders to end the presidential vacancy as soon as possible

Aboul Gheit calls on the political forces and Lebanese leaders to end the presidential vacancy as soon as possible

The Secretary -General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, affirmed that the presidential vacuum is not in the interest of Lebanon, stressing that its continuation contributes to deepening the country’s crisis and increasing the suffering of the people.

Aboul Gheit – during his meeting with the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Joanna and Dornica, today /Sunday, at the headquarters of the University’s General Secretariat in Cairo – all the political forces and Lebanese leaders to work to end the vacancy as soon as possible by electing a president for the republic that will be suitable for the aspirations of all the Lebanese, and the title To achieve the desired consensus.

He pointed to the Arab League to keep pace with Lebanon in all its political stations, saying that “ending the presidential void is decisive importance at this stage in order to stabilize the country and enable the government to perform its duties and implement the necessary and sponsored economic reforms by ending the suffering of the Lebanese people that spanned years.

The spokesman for the Secretary -General Jamal Rushdie stated that the meeting witnessed an exchange of opinion on the Lebanese crisis and ways to break the state of the political blockage that the country suffers from, and Aboul Gheit listened to assessing the international official about the situation and the risks of the continuation of the presidential void for a long period..

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