A time bomb .. Surgeons come out of a successful explosion from the chest of a Russian soldier

A time bomb .. Surgeons come out of a successful explosion from the chest of a Russian soldier

The events of the Ukrainian war witnessed one of the wonders of the world of surgery; When a Russian surgeon team was able to extract an explosive projectile from a Russian soldier, with the risk of the prohibition of the projectile to eliminate the medical team and the soldier moments.

The British Daily Mail newspaper quoted the Russian Defense Ministry as saying that Corporal Nikolai Basino received a Ukrainian shell (EGS 17) settled in his chest without an explosion; What requires surgery to remove it.
Doctor Dmitry Kim went with a surgical team wearing protective jackets; To extract the stable projectile between the aorta and the hollow vein of the affected corporal.

The team was able to extract the projectile without an explosion, as the surgeon Dmitry says that everyone breathed a sigh of relief when taking out the shell, adding that one wrong movement would have caused the loss of a person’s life.

The corporal said after his survival that he did not lose consciousness when he received the shell, but it caused a strong hole in his protective jacket before he punched his chest, adding that he refused to perform the operation for fear of doctors ’life from the explosion.
It is noteworthy that the Russian forces suffered great losses during their recent invasion of Ukraine, the American Pentagon, with half of the Russian army tanks and about 100,000 Russian soldiers..

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