A new translation of the Kazintzakis book, “Tours to Italy, Egypt, Sinai, Jerusalem and Cyprus”

A new translation of the Kazintzakis book, “Tours to Italy, Egypt, Sinai, Jerusalem and Cyprus”

A new and comprehensive translation of the camel publications in Beirut has been released for the trips of the great Greek writer and novelist Nikos Kazantzakis, entitled “Trips to Italy, Egypt, Sinai, Jerusalem and Cyprus,” translated by Khaled Al -Jubaili.
The trips had appeared in a previous translation in more than one edition, but incomplete, and now they appear completely in this new edition of the book.

The book, in terms of the topic, is articles written by Kazantzakis about his visits to Jerusalem, Egypt, Italy and Palestine between 1926 and 1927, when he was a press correspondent of a Greek newspaper at the time and belongs to his form and its subject to trips literature.

In his book, the most accurate reality of the legend, Nikos Kazantzakis confuses the most accurate reality of legend, as it is preferred in his nature to talk about myths if he exposes his ideas about some place, but in the objective sense he focuses in his observations in Egypt on the Nile and the Pyramids, and Sinai.

He talks about what he saw in the Delta, recording his observations, saying: “The mobile phosphors were taking the veil from their faces in half, and they demonstrate their goods with light voices: as a black eyeliner, henna for dyeing nails, good oil from Baghdad, blossom water, musk, and incense.

In the Nile chapter, he talks about the great river, and how the Egyptians depend on it mainly as a permanent source of life, recording a set of sporadic observations that it seen on the banks of the Nile, as it addresses in another part to the Sinai Peninsula that the Holy Land sees and the messaging lands. This part included many Jewish myths..

In the part of Palestine, Nikos Kazantzakis focuses on describing the places of worship in Palestine, moving between Christians, Muslims and Jews, offering his spiritual and poetic reflections on this spot of the world..

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