5 tips for a healthy lifestyle for the bride before the wedding .. including drinking water

5 tips for a healthy lifestyle for the bride before the wedding .. including drinking water

Each bride can benefit from some of the advice that precedes the wedding to become in its best shape at her wedding, especially since the period before the wedding is full of a lot of shopping trips and final preparations for the wedding and preparation for it, and this may affect the bride and cause her to be tired, in this The report we offer 5 tips for a healthy lifestyle for the bride before the wedding, according to the “Health” website
5 tips for a healthy lifestyle for the bride before the wedding

Drink more fluids
Drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day, in the middle of your busy schedule, keep a bottle of water within your reach all the time and you can also add some lemon water without sugar, coconut water, vegetables and fruits that contain a greater percentage of water.
If you maintain your moisture, this will help remove toxins from your body, which will add a glow to your skin, nails and hair.

Eat vegetables and fruits in various colors
You should eat a rich in color -rich dish, stay away from simple carbohydrates and include complex carbohydrates in your diet such as whole wheat, oats, brown bread, etc.
Eat more salads, protein, green vegetables and fruits in your diet.
You can also include lentils, chickpeas, etc.
Lentils are a good source of protein and also contains a lot of minerals. Enter more leafy vegetables because they are full of antioxidants.

Stay away from white foods
Try to avoid white foods such as white flour, white rice and even sugar. One of the most important tips that precedes the wedding is to help you lose weight as well as reduce any feeling of bloating.

Do not try fast diet systems
These fast diets deceive you to believe that refusing food will bring you weight loss, but this is unhealthy, and a suitable diet is everything related to eating healthy foods made at home and controlling quantity, and finding the right time to relax.
5. Physical activity
Weight and the optimal shape come with healthy eating and exercise regularly.

It is necessary to move your body to ensure that your mental and physical health during the preparatory wedding preparations remain perfect.
Make sure to follow a suitable routine – such as eating dinner by 7:30 pm, exercising regularly, going on a quick picnic for at least 30 minutes, eating small meals every 3 hours, and keeping the body moisture as much as possible..

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