47 amazing photos .. Check well: If you see faces and ghosts, do not be afraid

47 amazing photos .. Check well: If you see faces and ghosts, do not be afraid

If you tend to note faces in the rigid things around you, you are not alone.
According to Live Science, this phenomenon is called Pareidolia, that is, seeing faces in daily things, it is a very human condition related to how our brains do.
The word is derived from the Greek word Para, which means something wrong, and eidlon, which means the image, shape or shape.
There are a number of theories about the cause of this phenomenon.

Experts say Pareidolia provides psychologically for many delusions that involve the senses. They believe that Pareidolia can be behind many unknown flying bodies.
Scientists have analyzed this phenomenon scientifically and philosophically (psychologically).

Scientifically, there are several reasons for the formation of Pydolia:
The part responsible for the interpretation of faces in the brain is called Fusiform Gyrus and has two main aspects; Each of them is responsible for a specific job, as the right side makes slow orders and needs a specific time to identify and interpret faces.

The left side is the right side, and it is rapidly ruling on the face that the two eyes gathered, and here the human mind may explain the quick glance on the face to give the wrong results and correct the right part after that.

The brain performs a wiping or imaging within our brains, as it constantly examines the lines, shapes, surfaces and random colors; After it matches it in some way, and then a picture that combines these two images, for example, may glimpse the full moon and bring your imagination someone to see the face of this person on the moon.
Pyridy is often religious.

A study in Finland found that religious people or who strongly believe in what is supernatural is more likely to see faces in dead and landscapes.
Karl Sagan, the American cosmologist and author, explained that Paridolia was a tool for survival.
He says in his book “The World of Devils – Science as a Cambon in Darkness” that this ability to identify faces from a distance or in the event of poor vision was an important technique for survival.

While this instinct enables humans to judge immediately whether the next person is a friend or an enemy, Sagan indicated that it may lead to some wrong interpretation of random images or highlights and shadow as faces.
Leonardo Da Vinci wrote about Pareidolia as a technical device.

“If you look at any walls stained with different stains or a mixture of different types of stones, if you are about to create a scene, you will be able to see similarities between different different landscapes decorated with mountains, rivers, rocks, trees, plains, wide valleys and different groups of hills. ”
Pictures published from Boredpanda..

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