Under Fares, his dreams “Leva” .. Poland national team list for the 2022 World Cup

Under Fares, his dreams “Leva” .. Poland national team list for the 2022 World Cup

The final roster for Poland’s participation in the FIFA World Cup, which will take place from November 20 to December 18, 2022, has been released by coach Chislav Mikhevich.
the 26-member official team, led by Barcelona striker and leading scorer Robert Lewandowski.
The Polish World Cup team for Qatar 2022 is shown below:
Bartlumi Drongovsky (Italian Spitzia), Vitlesche Chensney (Juventus, Italy), and Lukash Scoropsky are candidates for goalkeeper.

Aston Villa’s defence lineup includes Jan Bednarik, Partosh Bertcinski of Italian Sampdoria, Matti Cash of English-speaking Aston Villa, Cameel Glick of Italian Benefinto, Robert Gomney of English-speaking Nottingham Forest, Artur Yengitchk of Polish-speaking Lechia Warsaw, Yakop, Kivor of Italian Spitzia, Matiush Vetska of French Clairemon, and Nicolas Zalifsky of Aston

Midfielders include Christian Pelic of Birmingham City in England, Bishimislav Frankovsky of France’s Lance, Camel Grossitsky of Poland’s Bogon, Yakop Kaminski of Germany’s Wolfsburg, Giggog Kreikovia of Saudi Arabia’s Youth, Michel Scorach of Leg Poznan in Poland, Damian Shimansky of Greece’s Athens, Sebastian Shimoneski of the Netherlands’ Fenord, Pyotr Zelinski of Italy

Robert Lewandowski (Barcelona), Arcadiush Melik (Juventus), Cashibchcoffe Punite (Salrynitana), and Carol Svidereski make up the offensive line.
Along with the teams of Argentina, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia, Poland will compete in the third group of the 22nd FIFA World Cup in 2022.
Source: Agencies.

The Poland national team roster for the 2022 World Cup is under Fares’ “Leva”.

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