Today’s memory .. The outbreak of the events of the Abbas Bridge and Milad Abdul Rahman Al -Khamisy

Today’s memory .. The outbreak of the events of the Abbas Bridge and Milad Abdul Rahman Al -Khamisy

Numerous significant things happened on November 13th because many notable people were born on this day and left us with literary, political, and creative characteristics. Since this date falls on an annual holiday, we will look at these events in the following report.
Important occasions.
1002 – The King of England Ethel Reed II issues orders to kill all Danish in England and is known as the Saint Price’s massacre.

1918 – The Communist Government in Russia cancels the Brest Litovsk peace treaty with the axis countries in the First World War.
The Ottoman Empire’s capital, Constantinople, is under the control of the Allies.

Five years after the government of Ismail Sidqi repealed the 1923 constitution, which guaranteed significant power for the people, and instead issued the 1930 constitution, which gave the king authority to appoint and isolate governments, a popular uprising against the British occupation and the government led by Mohamed Tawfiq Naseem Pasha broke out in Egypt.

1966 – After three Israeli troops were killed, the Israeli and Jordanian armies engaged in the Battle of Al-Samouh.
Augustine, a bishop from North Africa, is born.
Egyptian poet Abdel Rahman Khamisi was born in 1920.
Henry Al-Bahar, a Portuguese explorer and prince, was born in 1460.
Italian composer Joakino Rossini was born in 1868.
worldwide holidays and events
The Day of St. John the mouth of gold..

The memory of today. The outbreak of the events of the Abbas Bridge and Milad Abdul Rahman Al -Khamisy

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