Medvedev: We have not used our entirety in Ukraine yet … everything has its time

Medvedev: We have not used our entirety in Ukraine yet … everything has its time

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian vice-president of the Council of Security, confirmed to Al-Madinah News that following Moscow’s withdrawal from Jayson County, Russia has not yet used its entire military arsenal in the conflict in Ukraine.
“We would like to recall that Russia, for clear reasons for all wise people, has not yet used its full arsenal from the possible means of destruction. Not all enemy’s potential goals in residential areas were bombed. And not only out of our inherent human kindness.

Everything has its own timing.
The future world order is being created by Russia today, not by the United States and Britain with Britain or Black Kyiv, he continued. It will be built to be an equal new global system.

Medvedev: Everything has its time, and we haven’t used up all of our resources in Ukraine yet.

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