Elon Musk: The Blue Mark’s decision on “Twitter” will be taken on this date

Elon Musk: The Blue Mark’s decision on “Twitter” will be taken on this date

Elon Musk, the CEO of the newly acquired “Twitter,” announced that the decision regarding the blue mark for the verified account on the website of Blue Bird will likely be made at the end of the following week.
The American billionaire had announced earlier that the company will impose fees of $ 8 per month in exchange for the blue verification mark service, while it seeks to increase subscriptions and make the social network less dependent on advertisements.

Musk said that subscribers who have blue verification signs will receive priority in responses, signs and research, and they will be able to publish longer videos and audio recordings, and they will see half of the number of ads.
It is noteworthy that Musk finally completed the 44 billion dollar acquisition of “Twitter” after many months of attraction and tension.

A defamation lawsuit filed against the company in 2009 led to the creation of the blue documentation brand, which became a status symbol in the online community.
The primary goal of the program was to verify the identity of certain groups of people, such as celebrities, politicians, companies and journalists as a protection from impersonation and fraud, and the company’s rules require that the accounts be “reliable, distinctive and active” to win the mark..

Elon Musk: On this day, The Blue Mark will make a decision regarding “Twitter.”

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