Disarmament and delivery of aid .. Details of the peace plan in Ethiopia

Disarmament and delivery of aid .. Details of the peace plan in Ethiopia

At a press conference in Nairobi on Saturday, the rebels and the federal government of Ethiopia agreed to make it easier to deliver “humanitarian aid to all those who need it” in the Tigray region, which has been embroiled in a two-year conflict.

The announcement follows discussions about the implementation of the Pretoria, South Africa, peace agreement that took place on November 2nd, specifically regarding the disarmament of the rebel forces, the restoration of federal authority to Tigray, and the distribution of aid.

For his part, Ethiopian National Security Adviser, Radwan Hussein, announced today, Saturday, the signing of the announcement of the plan to implement the peace agreement with the Tigray Front, which was reached in Pretoria, South Africa.
Once more, according to Hussein’s tweet, “African problems have been stuck with African solutions.”

It is noteworthy that the agreement signed by Marshal Burhano Joula, Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian Armed Forces, and General Tadisi Waridi, Commander -in -Chief of the Tigray rebel forces, stipulates “the arrival of humanitarian aid to all those who need them. ”
Olocon Obasango, the Special Envoy of the African Union and a former president of Nigeria, stated that his application would be reviewed “immediately.”

Notably, the conflict in Tigray started in November 2020 when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed dispatched the Federal Army to overthrow the regional leaders who had been openly defying his authority for several months and were allegedly attacking federal military installations in the area.

The rebel Tigrey forces were defeated at the beginning of the conflict, but they regained control of most of the area in a counter -attack in 2021 that extended to Amhara and Afar and witnessed their approach to Addis Ababa.
The rest of the country cut off Tigray’s access to electricity, communications networks, banking services, and fuel, and the rebels withdrew there.

delivery of aid and disarmament. Specifics of Ethiopia’s peace plan

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