A demonstration against the demolition of Palestinian homes in Arab cities and villages in Israel

A demonstration against the demolition of Palestinian homes in Arab cities and villages in Israel

Today, Saturday, a number of Palestinian demonstrators closed a major street in the city of “Al -Taiba” inside the lands of the 48, in protest against the Israeli demolition policy of Palestinian homes in Arab villages and cities.
After organising a protest, the demonstrators shut down the main road at the Western Cemetery junction to defend a young man from being demolished and to voice their opposition to this policy that jeopardises many city buildings and residences.

The demonstrators raised banners condemning the policy of demolition, saying “The demolition of Arab homes will not pass” and “not to the policy of demolition. ”
According to eyewitnesses, Israeli police forces arrived at the protest site and made an effort to agitate the demonstrators.

a protest against the destruction of Palestinian homes in Israeli Arab cities and villages

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