Ways to treat constipation at home .. including warm drinks

Ways to treat constipation at home .. including warm drinks

The lack of bowel movement every day can make you feel swelling and discomfort, and constipation from common problems among many people, and in this report we learn how to treat constipation at home, according to the “Health” website.
A person with constipation has three or fewer bowel movements per week, or it takes a lot of time and effort to pass stool.

Constipation is usually the result of dehydration and fiber deficiency in your diet and lack of physical activity which leads to stool stiffness, this condition is usually subject to self -treatment with the help of some home remedies and lifestyle changes, but if you see blood in the stool, then consult a doctor is a good idea.

Consume enough fiber.
If you have constipation, include foods high in fibre like cucumber, nuts, apples, and vegetables with green leaves in your diet. The recommended daily allowance of fibre is 30 grams.
2. Sip warm beverages
When you first wake up, you should sip something warm. Once you drink warm water, the colon has a reflexive stroke, known as the stomach stomach reaction, and pushes stools out.

Keep moist
Dehydration causes stiffness in the stools, which in turn causes constipation, so it’s crucial to start drinking water. Your body needs at least 8 to 10 cups of water per day to function properly.
4. Take action
Constipation is also a result of inactivity, so you should walk after meals, engage in sports, visit the gym, or engage in any other activity you choose, but you must engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

Home remedies for constipation, such as warm beverages

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