Jordanian Minister of Environment Minister: We are very optimistic about “COP27” because it is the beginning of the implementation of international pledges

Jordanian Minister of Environment Minister: We are very optimistic about “COP27” because it is the beginning of the implementation of international pledges

Dr. Ahmed Obaidat, the ministry’s spokesman and advisor to the Jordanian minister of the environment, praised Egypt’s organisation of the COP27 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference, which is currently taking place in Sharm El Sheikh.

While attending the conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Obaidat made the following remarks: “We congratulate Egypt’s leadership, government, and people on this wonderful organization, which expresses Egypt’s ability to host such forums and significant events, and this is not strange for Egypt and its people.

The implementation of international commitments on compensation for developing and poor countries due to their influence on climate variables as a result of the major industrial countries was one of the conference’s long-delayed goals. He expressed his optimism about the conference’s success in achieving this goal.

He emphasised that the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Conference is a real beginning to pressure these nations through significant posts and ongoing discussions to implement and make promises to compensate the poor and developing countries, particularly in our Arab region and African nations.

The advisor to the Jordanian Minister of Environment and the spokesperson for the ministry noted that the Egyptian Climate Conference was the one that generated hope and optimism regarding obtaining these compensations during its current session. They also noted that from the very beginning of this conference’s proceedings, the Egyptian international started to speak out loudly and forcefully and raised the slogan “Implementation.”

Obaidat emphasised the necessity for the developed nations to uphold their obligations in order to accomplish the fundamental and primary goal of this conference, particularly the Paris 2015 conference’s decision to reduce global warming to 1.5% instead of 2%.

On the Jordanian participation in the conference, the Jordanian Minister of Environment, the Jordanian Minister of Environment, stressed that the Jordanian participation was great and influential in the presence of the Jordanian King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Al -Hussein bin Abdullah II, stressing that this high presence confirms Jordan’s support for Egypt in holding this conference on the one hand and on the one hand Another is that Jordan has made significant contributions to preventing climate change and preserving this universe.

He emphasised how the Jordanian government deals with environmental issues with full force and a clear strategy, noting that Jordan has introduced numerous initiatives and launched the country’s national plan for green growth.

Jordan’s environment minister: “COP27” marks the beginning of the implementation of global commitments, so we are very optimistic about it.

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