Dramatic Video Shows Kansas City Cops Saving Life of Infant

Dramatic Video Shows Kansas City Cops Saving Life of Infant

When a one-month-old baby with RSV stopped breathing, two Kansas City police officers acted quickly.
The incident was captured on body camera footage, which showed the officers compressing the child.
90% of children worldwide before the age of two are afflicted by the seasonal virus known as RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).
It causes mild cold-like symptoms in the majority of people, including runny nose, fever, and cough. But for Infants It Can Lead To Airway and Lung Infections.

While Sub Babies only experience a mild cold-like illness, infection can cause more serious lung issues like bronchiolitis and pneumonia in some people.
As schools, daycare centers, and businesses were closed due to the pandem, RSV cases dramatically decreased two years ago. Doctors Saw An Alarming Increase in the Summer of 2021 and Again This Fall..

Dramatic Video of Kansas City Police Saving Infant’s Life

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