The destruction of a communications tower in Somalia by the youth group

The destruction of a communications tower in Somalia by the youth group

An explosion in the town of Qaib in the Somali state of Galmodog has damaged one of its centres and its communications tower.
The centre and the tower were destroyed on Monday, according to the firm, by a homemade explosive device.
It is really sorrow,” the company wrote in a tweet sent to Twitter. It is a section of Jaladoud, the country’s biggest state.

The company said that a mobile platform known as “Electronic Voucher Card,” or “EVC Plus,” a technique of mass assistance in a nation where currencies vanish, has been inaccessible to thousands of individuals.
Hormod Telecom stated on Twitter that “almost 14,000 people have access to the company’s services, including EVC Plus, the only payment in the area.”
She promised to repair the facility and bring back the area’s telecommunications services.

In a statement posted by one of the group’s websites on Monday, the military branch of the Youth Group claimed that it had attacked the government forces at al-Qaeda that morning. The statement added that the assault started with a suicide bomber before moving on to target the camp with armed soldiers. The gang asserted that it had murdered 37 individuals, including three police officers, a figure that had been independently verified.

Officials from the Somali government confirmed that a car bomb was used by the militants and that the army had beaten the terrorists who assaulted the al-Qaeda base.
A military official in the village of Badhou named Major Mohamed Farah told Reuters that the combat claimed the lives of 10 troops and 20 terrorists from the youth group.
Ahmed Shaer, the state of Galmuj’s minister of information, claimed that the gunmen had lost a week earlier and had attempted to regain control but had been “expelled.”

Valgeli stated that the strike appeared to have injured civilians, although he did not state how many people were killed.

the teenage group’s deliberate destruction of a telecommunication tower in Somalia

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