Terrorism affects vital facilities and infrastructure .. What is the reason?

Terrorism affects vital facilities and infrastructure .. What is the reason?

In many countries, infrastructure is exposed to terrorist attacks from common acts in recent years, and the terrorist groups targeting these structures are no longer randomly, as it was before, as these organizations are now tending to target a deliberate and planning for infrastructure.
Targeting infrastructure with terrorist strikes that have a significant impact on daily life, such as basic power plants or important ports, has become a top priority.

For instance, these attacks strongly pointed to a significant risk that imperils the security and stability of peoples and nations. For instance, the terrorist youth group in Somalia targets the Somali people by undermining its strengths. The largest telecom provider in the nation was maybe the last to be impacted.

The major telecom firm, Hero Telikum, reported that an explosion in the hamlet of Qaib in the Somali state of Galmodog had destroyed one of its centres and its communications tower. The centre and the tower were destroyed on Monday, according to the firm, by a homemade explosive device.
It is really sorry, the company tweeted to its customers on Twitter. It is a section of Jaladoud, the country’s biggest state.

The numerous attacks on the electric power transmission towers in the “Diyala, Salah al-Din, West Nineveh, Kirkuk, and the outskirts of Baghdad were targeted,” which resulted in a significant decrease in the supply of electric energy for the majority of Iraqi cities and a complete interruption for some of them, including Nasiriyah, Kut, Muthanna, and Diwaniyah.

Through a number of projects to build new production stations in various parts of the country to reach production of about 17,000 megawatts since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, successive Iraqi governments have attempted to find solutions to this conundrum. However, they are no longer adequate to supply citizens with energy throughout the day due to widespread abuses on the network, delayed maintenance of stations, and fuel shortages, which made dependence on foreign energy sources necessary.

The terrorist group ISIS – Khorasan Province targets Afghanistan’s critical infrastructure in an effort to discredit the group in the eyes of Afghan residents by highlighting the Taliban regime’s inability to deliver services and security.

In order to undermine the legitimacy of the Afghan government, the organisation initiated an economic war in 2021 that included attacks on infrastructure aims. The organisation claimed responsibility for thirty strikes on oil truck towers and electricity grids.

Terrorism affects vital facilities and infrastructure .. What’s the cause?

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