Within hours .. “The Suez Canal” announces the first actual production of green fuel

Within hours .. “The Suez Canal” announces the first actual production of green fuel

The Suez Canal Economic Zone announced that it would soon make official announcements regarding the beginning of the first green ammonia productions in the commercial Sokhna sector.
This fits into the plan of the Suez Canal Economic Zone’s successful efforts to quicken the speed of development on projects for the production of green fuels.

This coincided with the official start of the COP27 Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Sharm El-Sheikh, where the suite of the Suez Canal economic zone in the Green Zone saw a significant presence of ministers and officials in the context of observing what the economic zone inside the pavilion is as one of the most significant Egyptian authorities that have taken clear steps within its strategy toward green fuel.

The economic zone of the Suez Canal in the Green Zone participates in the wing of the new republic, which includes Egyptian ministries, bodies and authorities; By offering the vision of the economic zone to transform towards the green economy with the help of success partners for the economic zone, which are “Dubai World Ports of Sokhna – Port Said Development Company – Swedish Industrial Development – Egyptian National Company for Railways Industry – Sharkia Industrial Development Company – Sokhna 360 – Sonker – Suez Company For the purpose of industrial development, “where initiatives and investment opportunities in the fields of green energy and ship supply services will be presented with green fuel, and final contracts will be signed for a number of memoranda of understanding signed with several international companies.

The economic zone of the Suez Canal has achieved success in this area thanks to the signing of 16 memoranda of understanding with significant international corporations, the infrastructure that supports the presence of these projects, and the presence of 6 naval ports with views of the Mediterranean and Bahrain White.

The authority’s plan for bringing the green hydrogen industry home is based on three main axes: producing green fuel from (green hydrogen-ammonia-e-mahithmol); supplying green hydrogen industries with word industries from (electrical analysts-solar panels-turbines); and providing ship supplies services with green fuel through its affiliated ports.

“The Suez Canal” declares the first genuine production of green fuel within hours.

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