If you are a heart patient? .. Foods can help you live for a longer period

If you are a heart patient? .. Foods can help you live for a longer period

When diagnosing heart disease or simply maintaining its health, there are many scientifically installed methods to urge age and delay or avoid heart diseases completely while making the right nutritional options is the most important measure.
More plant foods in the diet, particularly good fat sources like omega -3 fatty acids, are a fantastic strategy to avoid cardiovascular disease, research shows, according to the “TimesnowNews” website.

An analysis published in the American College of Cardiology has been evaluated that included 905 people at an average age of 67 years of heart patients with cardiovascular disease caused by various causes, and the study indicated that the levels of omega -3 fatty acids in heart patients are found in plant foods.
After 2. 4 years of patient follow-up, 140 patients had passed away for a variety of reasons, 85 of which were related to heart disease.

People with the highest levels of omega-3 have a decreased chance of dying from any cause or checking into the hospital for the first time than those with the highest or lowest amounts.

People with the highest levels of omega-3 have a decreased chance of dying from any cause or checking into the hospital for the first time than those with the highest or lowest amounts.

Salmon, sardines, and mackerel are examples of seafood that non-vegetarians can eat.
One of the best ways to increase omega -3 is to add seeds to salads, oatmeal and juices, or by eating snacks of nuts..

Foods can help you live a longer life if you have heart disease.

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