How to eat at night increases the risk of obesity?

How to eat at night increases the risk of obesity?

Excessive nighttime eating can soon become a nightmare since it can result in obesity. Numerous studies have demonstrated a connection between eating late at night and obesity because irregularities in the biological clock rhythm can alter fatty tissue and result in obesity.

According to the “Health” website, excessive eating can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes, as eating foods rich in carbohydrates at night can disturb your body watch and lead to problems, and studies show that the relationship between the biological clock in your brain and the fun area of ​​your brain Eating a high-calorie meal disturbs the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Using mice as examples of study, another study published in the magazine of Science found that eating foods rich in fats between meals or at times when they should be rested naturally, excess calories are quickly absorbed in the form of fats all of this can lead to the emergence of unwanted diseases Such as diabetes.
fatty meals to stay away from
Not all fats are harmful to your health, but some may lead to unimaginable consequences.

The emphasis should be on choosing healthy fats and staying away from unhealthy fats, such as saturated and trans fats. Foods that have a high percentage of unsaturated fat are useful for you while transformed fats can increase the risk of disease and saturated fats can have a bad effect on your health.

According to the National Institutes of Health, eating too many harmful fats can cause a number of ailments, such as diabetes and heart disease, to develop. These fats should be avoided, particularly at night, and include:
Ah, fat meat
Delectable treats include chocolate cookies and pastries.

The risk of obesity is increased by how you consume at night.

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