United Nations: The past 8 years are the hottest ever

United Nations: The past 8 years are the hottest ever

The past eight years, according to the United Nations, have been the hottest on record, which is bringing about more drastic and devastating climate change.
According to the British Press Agency, the World Meteorological Organization stated that sea level rise is quickening and destroying records for floods, droughts, and heat waves that happened in 2022 as well as the ice rivers in the Alps in Europe (BA Media).

The United Nations Weather and Climate Authority released its annual report on the state of the global climate with another caution that the target of reducing temperatures to 1. 5 ° C was “Busy at hand” in conjunction with the beginning of the most recent international climate meetings at the (COP 27) conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
The nations committed to keeping efforts going to keep warming to “far less” than 2 degrees Celsius under the Paris Climate Treaty, which was signed in 2015.

the pre-industrial levels in order to prevent the worst effects of climate change, but inaction resulted in warnings from The 1. 5 ° C objective is slipping, according to the agency.
United Nations Secretary -General Antonio Guterres described the latest report as a “record of climate chaos” and called on governments at the COB 27 conference to respond to the “distress signal” from the planet through ambitious and reliable climate.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, the average worldwide temperature in 2022 is expected to be 1.15 degrees Celsius higher than it was in the years between 1850 and 1900.
The eight years since 2015 have probably been the eight warmest years, and the effects of global warming are becoming more obvious.

UN: The last eight years have been the hottest on record.

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