Saskatchewan blizzard leaves icy roads across province

Saskatchewan blizzard leaves icy roads across province

Families in Saskatchewan awoke on Sunday to find snow covering the southern half of the province, signalling the start of winter.
The entire night, an Alberta Clipper was making its way into Saskatchewan while the wind howled.
Road conditions are less than ideal due to winds that exceed 90 kph, snow from Sunday, and rain from Saturday.
Saskatchewan RCMP are urging everyone to avoid any unnecessary travel due to slippery and snow-covered roads.

If at all possible, stay off the highways, requested the RCMP. “Even if conditions appear to be favourable at the time you intend to go, you should still check the forecast and the Highway Hotline because weather and road conditions can abruptly deteriorate.
“If you absolutely must travel, ensure you have plenty of gas, a fully charged phone, food, water and extra warm clothing packed.

“All routes in and around Regina are blocked for travel due to drifting and swirling snow and poor visibility, according to the Highway Hotline. All highways in and surrounding the area just west of Moose Jaw are not advised for travel.
People are being warned of the treacherous icy driving conditions by Saskatoon Police as well.

According to Saskatoon police, “blowing snow together with cold temperatures and heavy winds have created terrible driving conditions throughout the city and surrounding with impaired visibility.”
Police advise people to leave plenty of following distance between cars when they do drive and to give themselves plenty of time to stop.
When driving in bad visibility, turn on your lights and keep a safe following distance.

Throughout Saskatchewan, a blizzard causes slick roads.

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