For high cholesterol patients … ways to reduce its blood level

For high cholesterol patients … ways to reduce its blood level

To ensure cardiovascular health, a person must monitor cholesterol levels in the blood, as cholesterol is the fatty substance in the blood and is beneficial to the body only in limited quantities, the general amount of low -density lipoprotein is less than 100, while more than 130 means that the person suffers from According to the website, different cardiovascular diseases can result from excessive blood cholesterol.

The report on this explained that high blood cholesterol levels are harmful, especially for the heart where coronary arteries are damaged. Whether you use cholesterol-lowering medications or not, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to lower blood cholesterol levels, such as: -Increasing the amount of soluble dietary fibre in your diet, which can lower blood cholesterol levels by preventing its absorption into the blood

Because saturated fats raise the body’s percentage of harmful cholesterol, you should cut back on them.
Consume meals high in omega-3 fatty acids to improve cardiovascular health and lessen the risk of developing any related health issues.
increasing the body’s good cholesterol, which shields the heart from illnesses and keeps blood vessels healthy, by exercising for 30 minutes each day.

-Reduce your weight by exercising and managing your food habits.

methods to lower blood levels of cholesterol for those with high cholesterol

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