Corona’s origin again … a remarkable statement from global health

Corona’s origin again … a remarkable statement from global health

Once again, talk about the origin of Corona to the fore, where its origin is still a puzzle in the midst of many and multiple assumptions that talked about his move from the Wuhan Market of seafood or his leakage from a research laboratory in the Chinese city.
The World Health Organization’s representative in Russia, Melita Fujnovich, emphasised that the theory that the virus originated artificially was the least likely.

In an interview with the “TASS” agency, Fujenovic stated that four theories have been put out regarding Corona’s genesis.
She added that although it was the least plausible, one of these theories speculated that the virus would leak from some research labs.
Since it is difficult to manage a virus of this nature, she stated: “Frankly, I do not believe in the artificial origin of the virus.” She continued, “This will not do so, one virus world across the world.”

It’s interesting to note that a prior US Senate inquiry had come to the conclusion that Kovid-19 had likely leaked because of research that was tied to research.
While China criticized the report, considering that American politicians reformulate the theory of laboratory leaks to distort Beijing’s reputation in ignoring the facts.

She also recognised that “such measures are motivated by ill will, and this will only hinder the follow-up of science-based assets and the undermining of international cooperation to defeat Kovid 19.”

The genesis of Corona once more: a startling statement about global health

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