A picture from Yemen that destroys the heart .. They threw an elderly person from the top of the surface

A picture from Yemen that destroys the heart .. They threw an elderly person from the top of the surface

Since one of the Houthi militia’s leaders hurled a 70-year-old woman off the roof of a house in the Jaafari area of the Rima Governorate after being badly beaten, her photograph disseminated among Yemenis on social media.
According to local Yemeni media, the Houthi leader Abdullah Naji Al-Sabli savagely attacked the old woman before throwing her out of her home, breaking four of her limbs and busting her ribs.

The Houthi leader started shooting while her fiftieth daughter was attempting to assist her mother, directly injuring her.
The old mother who is still in a coma and her daughter were taken from Tuhama Hospital to a hospital for treatment, with guarantees that their conditions are critical.
Informed sources stated that the two victims were treated by one of the local sheikhs despite the fact that they had no relatives other than a sick son.

She explained the circumstances, saying the attacker attempted to rob the elderly woman of her land after she secured court orders confirming her ownership of it and assaulted her after she refused to pay him bribes to leave.
It is noteworthy that this incident is not alien to the actions of the Houthis who have become known for their violations, and this is why last September Amnesty International called on the international community to put an end to the militia’s behavior with women.

The international agency then asked that the Houthis be put under pressure to cease strangling women, highlighting the fact that Yemen is already experiencing a terrible humanitarian crisis and that the risk posed to them by the militia’s acts is real.

A Yemeni photo that breaks your heart. They threw an elderly person from the top of the surface

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