They replied the favor, and they mocked them .. A “terrifying” statue of the famous player raises controversy

They replied the favor, and they mocked them .. A “terrifying” statue of the famous player raises controversy

After Sadio Mane donated more than 680,000 dollars to establish a hospital in Bambali last year and more than 300,000 dollars to build a school for the residents of the remote town, in addition to other aid, the city of Bambali, south of Senegal, did not find a way to repay the favour to its son, other than by erecting a statue in his hometown.
But things did not go as planned.

Within a few hours of the statue’s images becoming viral, social media came under fire, and the gift lost all sense.
The harsh remarks said that the great player’s characteristics were horrifying in his monument, and one person even went so far as to call it “terrifying,” while another affirmed that it bears no resemblance to him.
When the “Tiraga Lions” won the most recent African Nations Cup, the player was depicted in the monument while he was celebrating. The statue was created locally.

It is interesting that the statue’s photos were covered with communication sites to respond to an unimaginable bullying campaign, along with critical remarks highlighting the necessity for changes to the statue’s shape.

They returned the favour and made fun of them. A “terrifying” statue of the famous player raises controversy

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