Sotheby organizes an auction “5,000 years of Asian art” in Paris .. I know the details

Sotheby organizes an auction “5,000 years of Asian art” in Paris .. I know the details

On November 8, Sotheby’s will hold a global sale in the French capital called “5,000 Years from the History of Asian Art.” This auction will feature a variety of paintings, sculptures, and works of art from China, Vietnam, India, and the Himalayas, as well as numerous porcelain groups. This amazing tour around Asia is led by the early Qing Dynasty, which is from the European private groups. It includes a collection of old bronze pots, ancient Chinese paintings, paintings, and Buddhist sculptures, as well as an intriguing, private German group of porcelain.

In addition to a variety of Buddhist artwork from all of Asia, including examples of gilded bronze forms, wooden statues, and Blan de Chain from China, the sale includes a group of old bronze utensils from the warring countries, Han, and more ancient bronze from Austrian and French groups.

Other prominent landmarks include a rare trinity of copper alloys from the sixteenth to the seventeenth of Nepal, an Indian stone throne from the tenth to the eleventh century and Buddha Sri Lankan from the tenth century, and the last two from the group of the late John Parnet, or two very rare pottery models From California. Vietnamese Stoa from the ninth century.

Many works also embody the rich cultural and iconic exchanges of decorative arts between China and Europe during the era of the Cheng Dynasty.
the craft

Sotheby organizes an auction “5,000 years of Asian art” in Paris .. I am aware of the facts.

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