Iran acknowledges sending drones to Russia

Iran acknowledges sending drones to Russia

Iran has acknowledged that it had sent drones to Russia, but it stressed that it had provided its ally before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, confirming Kyiv’s accusations of Moscow of using Iranian -made paths to launch attacks against civilians and infrastructure.
Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian was quoted as saying, “Russia has provided us with a restricted number of masters months before the war in Ukraine.”

Tehran has never acknowledged Moscow’s delivery of drones before, despite the West and Ukraine’s allies’ repeated denials of these claims in recent weeks.
Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski replied, “They are lying even in their recognition,” accusing Iranian leaders of disclosing fewer aircraft that were actually delivered.

In addition, he said, “We landed at least 10 Iranian march aircraft, and the Iranian leadership insists it has given little, even before the all-out invasion of Ukraine.
According to Kyiv, some 400 Iranian drones have already been employed in Ukraine against civilians, and Moscow has requested about 2000 more aircraft.

“If Iran continues to lie about clear matters, this means that the world will make more efforts to investigate terrorist cooperation between the Russian and Iranian regimes and what Russia pays to Iran in exchange for this cooperation. ”
The terrorists or their associates remaining unpunished is something that does not occur in the modern world, he continued.

“Tehran must understand that the benefits (Iran would receive from its assistance of Russia) will outweigh the penalties of colluding in the crimes of the Russian Federation’s assault against Ukraine, said Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nkolinko on Facebook.
In response to Kyiv’s request for “proof” regarding Russia’s use of Iranian marches in the conflict, Abdullah Two reaffirmed his willingness to look into it.

Tehran’s admissions on Moscow’s delivery of drones reveal a recent beginning of rapprochement between Russia and Iran in response to Ukraine being supported by the US and the EU.

Iran says it has sent drones to Russia.

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