Gunmen kidnap 39 children from a farm in Nigeria

Gunmen kidnap 39 children from a farm in Nigeria

The police and a local official reported that a criminal gang abducted 39 youngsters who were working on a farm in northwest Nigeria with the intention of demanding a ransom.
According to the sources, 39 children were abducted on Sunday as dozens of gunmen riding motorbikes stormed a farm near the hamlet of Mirwa in the state of Katsina.
Armed gangs terrorised residents in the country’s northwest as they pillaged, abducted, and murdered villages.

For gangs that take refuge in the large Rogo Forest, which runs through the states of Zamvara, Niger, Katsina, and Cadona, the hostages are typically freed after paying a ransom.
According to a spokeswoman for Katsina Police, “the road sector attacked the farm in Miroa and took the minors.”
“Our elements in the area were mobilized to save the hostages and arrest criminals,” without giving more details.

There were dozens of workers on the farm, according to a local authority in the Vaskari region, where the village of Mirwa is located.
This source added, refusing to reveal his identity that “adult workers who managed to run more quickly managed to escape, but 39 children were unable to resist the bandits. “.

39 kids are abducted by gunmen from a farm in Nigeria.

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