A wedding of the dungeon .. ISIS terrorist marries France despite life

A wedding of the dungeon .. ISIS terrorist marries France despite life

Although he was sentenced to life imprisonment, and without the possibility to reduce the punishment, the ISIS terrorist Salah Abdel Salam Al -Marri participated in his marriage ceremony by phone with a new bride chosen by his father.
According to information, the sole suicide bomber who survived the biggest terrorist attack on French soil in recent times married while inside.

Salah Abdel Salam, 33, participated in the event via the phone while under heavy supervision because he is currently serving several life sentences for the 2015 ISIS attack on Paris, which claimed 130 lives.
Despite being under constant observation at the Flori-Teroes jail in the city, Abdel Salam called the bride-to-be to arrange a phone call.
While the news was being confirmed, Abdel Salam’s long-term marriage plans were noted by the French Prison Intelligence, which monitors all of his phone calls.

Without divulging her identity, country, or even her name, the accused stated that his father, Abdel Rahman Abdel Salam, a 73-year-old Moroccan who resided in Brussels, had chosen him for the new bride.
It is significant that Salah Abdel Salam, a member of the gang responsible for a string of bombings and weapons attacks in Paris in November 2015, was sentenced to life in prison without the option of conditional release by a French court last June.

Abdel Salam is said to be the last surviving member of the armed group that attacked pubs, restaurants, and a music hall, leaving 130 people dead and 494 injured. ISIS later embraced the actions, which were at the time regarded as the worst that France had ever experienced in modern history.

The court ruled that Abdel Salam, 32, with all the five charges against him, and sentenced him to the harshest punishment in France, which is life imprisonment without the possibility of conditional release, to be the fifth person to be sentenced to that punishment since the punishment was legalized in 1994.
Despite being one of the 20 defendants, Abdel Salam was the only one charged with carrying out the deadliest assault France had ever seen at a time of peace.

A dungeon wedding occurs. ISIS terrorist marries France despite life

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