Trump is preparing to run for the 2024 presidential elections

Trump is preparing to run for the 2024 presidential elections

In front of a gathering of fans on Friday in Iowa, he declared, “It is very very very likely to run (for the presidential elections in 2024).”
Trump continued, “In the year 2024, we will return our wonderful white mansion,” adding, “We will restore Congress and we will regain the Senate.”
The billionaire, who has never admitted loss in the 2020 elections and has hinted for months that he would run for re-election, continues to exert more control over the Republican Party.

Trump quadrupled the number of supporters for this purpose and backed several candidates in the so-called “midterm elections.” According to the French Press Agency, it may be credited with it if they succeed in winning and stripping Democratic President Joe Biden of the majority in Congress.

Opinion polls expect a great victory for the Republicans in the House of Representatives, which will be fully renewed, and they are also heading to obtain a narrow majority in the Senate, as a third of the seats is competing.
And if these predictions come true, it seems like Donald Trump is planning to use the momentum to become officially recognised as soon as possible, blocking the path for potential rivals like Florida Governor Ron Desantis.

Trump is getting ready to run for president in 2024.

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