Days before the midterm .. Trump is looking forward to the 2024 presidential elections

Days before the midterm .. Trump is looking forward to the 2024 presidential elections

Donald Trump seems to be already planning to run for the presidential elections in 2024, four days before the midterm elections hinted, seeking a great defeat for Democrats who threw all their strength in the battle to save the threatened seats, including in their strongholds such as New York.
In front of a gathering of supporters assembled in Iowa, the former president declared, “It is very very very likely to be nominated.”

He continued, “In the year 2024, we will recover our magnificent white house,” saying, “We will regain the Congress, we will regain the Senate.”
The billionaire, who has never admitted loss in the 2020 elections and has hinted for months that he would run for re-election, continues to exert more control over the Republican Party.
He doubled the number of supporters for this purpose and backed many candidates in the so-called “midterm elections.”

If they succeed in winning and stripping Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for president, of the majority in Congress, they may be credited with it from this perspective.
According to opinion polls, the Republicans will win a resounding victory in the House of Representatives, which will be completely renewed. They are also predicted to win a slim Senate majority because a third of the seats are up for election.

And if these predictions come true, it seems like Donald Trump is planning to capitalise on the momentum to declare his candidacy as soon as possible, blocking the path for potential rivals like Florida Governor Ron Desantis.

Trump is looking forward to the 2024 presidential elections just days before the midterm elections.

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