Bloomberg: The German SEFE may incur a billion euros as a result of sanctions against Russia

Bloomberg: The German SEFE may incur a billion euros as a result of sanctions against Russia

According to “Bloomberg,” which cited reliable sources, the sanctions on Russia are projected to cost the German company SEFE and the Russian company “Gazprom” a combined billion euros.
According to the agency, the Vitol Oil Trading Company may attach gas import from the German company and in this case, the company will lose about one billion euros.

The German company “strongly opposes the legitimacy of banning the import of its gas and will continue to appeal it through all relevant means,” she said, adding that the contracts with the oil merchant were made when market prices were substantially lower.
For its part, Vitol previously indicated that it had the authority to halt or curtail supply as a result of SEFE’s shift in ownership, as Germany seized its assets in April.
Source: Row, Linta.

Bloomberg: Sanctions against Russia could cost the German SEFE a billion euros.

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