What are the Captagon pills that raise crises across the border?

What are the Captagon pills that raise crises across the border?

Captagon is an ancient designation of a decades -old contract, but those grains, and the stimulating amphetamine, are the first anesthetic today in terms of manufacturing, smuggling and even consumption in the Middle East.
When phenythlin, one of the stimulant amphetamines, was initially introduced to the market by Shimverk Hamburg in 1961, it was solely known as the Captagon.

The medication was patented and is used to treat compulsive sleep, lack of action and attention, as well as depression to a lesser extent.
Despite its limited use for non-medical purposes at the time, the drug was classified a substance subject to control in the United States in 1981, and it was later listed by the World Health Organization as one of the chemicals with mental effects.

The use of Captagon was outlawed in the majority of nations in 1986, and the pills were originally produced illegally in what was then known as Bigoslavia, or Bulgaria.
Today, Syria has become the main factory for Captagon grains, followed by Lebanon, and hundreds of millions of grains are being manufactured annually in both countries, and its annual value is estimated at billions of dollars.

An excessive amount of phenythlin use might cause cardiovascular issues, chronic depression, and lack of visibility.
It is important to keep in mind that the Captagon tablets produced nowadays in tiny labs in Syria and Lebanon no longer always include phenythlin and their makeup has changed.

The majority of grains contain amphetamine, which is an anesthetic and stimulant, but the ingredient list also includes paracetamol, caffeine, lionine and other stimulants, all of which may be harmful.
The brain system, heart, and muscles would be permanently harmed by chronic amphetamine use, and all of the ingredients used to make captagon seriously harm human health.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime classifies Crime as a form of “stimulating amphetamine” and compares it to Raudal, another stimulant that contains amphetamine.
There are instances where the effects of methamphetamine, another synthetic stimulant, are discovered to be stronger than amphetamine in captagon pills.
Usually, captagon is consumed. It can be taken as pills, but it can also be ground up and smelled.

Amifetamine increases brain activity, which can boost energy, confidence, and level of attention. However, it can also cause increased appetite and insomnia.
The consumption of these narcotic pills is common among students wishing to wake up at night to prepare for exams, or taxi drivers and trucks, especially those who work in two jobs or are having long distances at night, as well as employees who want to maintain the most activity and focus for long hours..

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