Today’s memory .. The discovery of Tutankhamun and the Egyptian Valentine’s Day and the demarcation of Pope Tawadros

Today’s memory .. The discovery of Tutankhamun and the Egyptian Valentine’s Day and the demarcation of Pope Tawadros

Numerous significant occurrences that altered the course of history occurred on November 4, including the births of numerous luminaries in the arts, politics, literature, and other fields. These individuals also left behind them literary, political, and artistic personalities, which we will discuss in the report that follows.

Tupac Amaro II led a revolt of the farmers of Aimara, Kishua, and Mustzo against the Bourbon reforms in 1780, when Spain was the ruler of Peru.
Britain declares a British reserve in 1890.
In order to resolve their differences on colonial interests in Morocco and the Congo, France and Germany sign a treaty in 1911. As a result, France recognises Germany’s interests in the Congo and Germany recognises France’s interests in Morocco.

Howard Carter, an English archaeologist, finds Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922.
In 1956, Israeli forces enter the Suez Canal as part of a three-pronged attack against Egypt.
2012 – The structural lottery for choosing a successor to the Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Shenouda III produces the choice of St. Tawadros to be the Pope 118 of the Coptic Orthodox Church under the name Tawadros II.
Pope Tawadros II, the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, was born in 1952.

Egyptian singer Mohamed Hamaki was born in 1975.
Israel’s Prime Minister, Isaac Rabin, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994.
Valentine’s Day is a global holiday celebrated in Egypt.

The memories of today. The discovery of Tutankhamun and the Egyptian Valentine’s Day and the demarcation of Pope Tawadros

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