The Tunisian president asks the Interior to address those who are trying to “hit the electoral path”

The Tunisian president asks the Interior to address those who are trying to “hit the electoral path”

The interior minister was told by the president of Tunisia, Qais Saeed, to confront anyone who was attempting to “use their positions to strike the election track” on Thursday.

According to a statement from the Tunisian presidency, Saeed focused on “the important and pivotal role of the Internal Security Forces at this stage in which Tunisia is experiencing, and on the need to impose respect for the law on everyone and on an equal footing,” during his meeting with the Interior Minister.

The statement added that Saeed stressed the necessity of “confronting all types of crime, including those that have emerged recently related to collecting zakat for the December 17 elections and the bribes that were paid. ”
The President made reference to those who claimed that they were “working in every manner to exploit their positions” in order to advance electorally.

In a separate meeting with the Prime Minister Najla Boden, Saeed stressed the need to “find quick solutions” for social and economic issues in the country while giving priority to “weak groups. ” Saeed stated at his discussion with the Prime Minister that the government “would not give up its social duty.”

The president of Tunisia requests that the interior minister speak to individuals who are attempting to “strike the electoral road.”

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