The Iranian human rights activist in Radia: The protests in Iran this time led by women and I have not seen such unity before

The Iranian human rights activist in Radia: The protests in Iran this time led by women and I have not seen such unity before

The vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris, praised the “courage” of the female-led protests against the Iranian government and promised to try to have Iran removed from the international committee addressing women’s rights.
Iranian activists peed in solidarity of the demonstrators as the meeting was going on.
“I worked in the human rights field in Iran for many years, and in all these years I have not seen such a unit to achieve the ideals.

The fact that women were in charge of these protests, she continued, was unprecedented.
According to this human rights activist, Iranians are openly battling to defend themselves not only against Ali Khamenei but also against the security forces ”
The belief that this system can be reformed is a legend, and in these years this has been proven that this is not true.

“The 43-year-old stated, “I believe the passing or murder of my devoted murmur in the Iranian reservation struck the crux of all we feel about being deprived of our liberties and the frailty of our freedoms.
“These women are discovered on the front lines and, if they are not killed and imprisoned, will probably at the very least be beaten. However, they continue to do it.”
“They are fighting with everything they have.

The issue is that we must support them, and every nation and UN member state must actively strive toward the establishment of this global accounting system for Iran.
Representatives of the Security Council’s permanent and non-permanent members discussed the oppression in Iran at the meeting.

She added that Iranians are not fighting the forced veil; rather, they are fighting against “the separation of the sexes, the coercive (televised) confessions, the lack of fair legal procedures, the unfair trials, the killing outside the justice system, the loss of freedom of expression, the torture, the marriage of the palace, the corruption of the government, the financing of terrorism, and the democracy.”

They don’t want reforms; rather, they want to put a stop to religious judgement, I demanded earlier in a club on Twitter. utilising this simplicity.
Iran is currently witnessing a wave of major protests unusual for years, its spark erupted in the wake of the death of the young woman, Muhsa Amini, while it was in detention in the ethics police..

The Iranian human rights activist in Radia said: “I have never witnessed such solidarity in the protests in Iran this time, which are being spearheaded by women.”

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