Study: Green tea and berries help prevent dementia

Study: Green tea and berries help prevent dementia

According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail,” a recent study discovered that green tea may protect against dementia because its antioxidants diminish plaques that are closely linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the study, the berry chemical risphratrol has a similar impact on human brain cells. The ability of catekin and reserveerol to eliminate plaque may be explained by its anti-inflammatory effects.

The Journal of Free Radical Biology and Medicine published the findings from the American University of Tafs University.
More than six million Americans are afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease, the most prevalent form of dementia, which is characterised by a breakdown in communication between brain cells, which results in loss of function and cell death. The cell functions are combined in nerve cells.

The production of plaques in these neurons has been shown to be inhibited by catechin and brieuralol, and they did so either with or without any negative side effects.
Some other compounds that have been tested, including turmeric from turmeric, metformin diabetes, and a vessel called cyticolin, also prevents the formation of plaques.

Test the efficacy of 21 substances in a three-dimensional simulation of neural tissue created from an interactive silk sponge planted with human skin cells that were genetically modified to become self-renovating neuromus cells.

We were fortunate since some of them showed some strong event in the case of these vehicles that passed the examination, they had almost no visible plaques after roughly a week, according to Dana Kirins, a researcher participating in Tatz College and the study’s principal investigator.
The research team’s findings that conventional cars having anti-plaque characteristics have the potential to help millions of people and pave the way for years of study into their medicinal advantages.

According to the study, green tea and berries are high in flavonoids, which can lower harmful free radicals in cells, reduce brain inflammation, and improve blood flow.

Green tea and berries have been shown to reduce dementia.

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