International criticism: Iran is the lowest debt between the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia

International criticism: Iran is the lowest debt between the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia

According to the International Monetary Fund, Iran’s external debt will only represent 0.5% of its GDP in 2022, making it the least of any Middle Eastern or Central Asian nation.
In part of its new report entitled “Economic Prospects for the Middle East and Central Asia”, the International Monetary Fund dealt with the size of the external debt of 28 countries in the region, including Iran.

Iran will have the lowest ratio of external debt to GDP in 2022 when compared to other nations in the area, according to the accounts of this international body.
According to this data, Iran’s external debt to GDP ratio for this year was only 0.5%, which is lower than that of all Middle Eastern and Central Asian nations combined. Due to the fact that Iran’s external debt was likewise reported in 2021 with the same amount, it did not increase in 2022.

The region’s nations owe, on average, 35 percent of their national income. This year, 8%. Additionally, it has been announced that the region’s oil-exporting nations’ debts will represent 30 percent of GDP this year. 9 %.
World is the source.

Iran has the lowest debt among Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries, according to international critics

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