“The Yellow Defendant” .. a new novel for literary award hunter Yoon Calman Stephenen

“The Yellow Defendant” .. a new novel for literary award hunter Yoon Calman Stephenen

The Yellow Submarine is the fifteenth book in the career of Icelandic author Yoon Calman Stephensen, and it was just published in Iceland.
In the novel “The Yellow Defeat”, the Icelandic writer Yoon Kalman Stephensen takes us on a trip to a London Public Gardens, where a middle -aged writer is waiting for an important work with Paul McCartney, but the past continues to boycott him.

The book The Yellow Submarine
It is noteworthy that the French translator Eric Buri’s translation of the Icelandic author Yoon Calman Stephensen’s book “Your absence is nothing but darkness” won the Jin Monet Award for European Literature in its 28th session for the year 2022.

The novel “Your absence is nothing but darkness” will be published in January 2022, and the award ceremony will take place in Koniac on Saturday, November 19, in La Salamandri, as part of the 35th session of the European Literature Festival.
Calman Stephenen, Yun
Yun Calman Stefson, who earlier won the Foreign Book Award for the same novel in 2022, is renowned as the literary award seeker.

Icelandic poet, novelist, and translator Yun Calman Stefanson. He had books like Between Heaven, Earth, and Beyond them, Fish Have No Feet published for him, and his writings are among the most often translated books in the world.

Yoon Calman Stephenen’s latest book, “The Yellow Defendant,” is a contender for literary awards.

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